Sunday, November 9, 2014

I Hate Circus, Animal Show And Other Scariest Things!

Did you know what a kind of person like me? Avoid a circus, animals show, and other things that I truly really mostly and so much dislikes, and I'm an eco-friendly girl, my frienemies hate what I've done right now. But sometimes, I will trap them into the Hell next time. What the aliens supposed to my head! I must deleted and start to be Eugenia, the Human Slayer... err... no... no! Start again as well... ehm... I am Eugenia, the Violences of Animals Slayer! I will have a revenges to the humans who build up animals show or I call circus and other violences things I've ever found! They will die in one day, no, I mean one year. I will creatin' a giant tornados, tsunamis, earthquakes and other things that I hope will reset this world. Dinosaurs lived back again and they kills humans world and its technologies, and I am change! As Alien Queen again as tell in AVP movies all series up. And I wish, this must been happen... yeah... at least 40 years later maybe... Yep, I supposed to be an Alien Queen again and all humans are losed in this battle games on 100 years when I still leaded Earth as usual! And I will become as a history. When humans are busy, they will surprised and shocked because the comets, asteroids, Nibiru the Sun's twin sist, meteors and black holes are waitin' to the humans extinction ages! They die, and I'm ready as a new Queen that I call up as Alien Queen and lead all universe in this galaxy and the others too... I love pets, animals, aliens, universe, Earth, waters and other things that I loved so much... I know everybody was call me a Crazy Kid, but I will become as a history forever, and my name will write in book of histories! :)))

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